There are 47 expired Mobile Home Lots for Sale listings in West Virginia.

WV, FAIRMONT - Land for sale.
0.33 acre
WV, FAIRMONT 26554 - VMF Homes has 0.33 acres of land for sale. For more information call VMF Homes at 866-793-8127 and tell the representative you are interested in property 911193128. Homes sold by Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance Inc., represe...
WV, BELLE - Land for sale.
1.03 acre
WV, BELLE 25015 - VMF Homes has 1.03 acres of land for sale. For more information call VMF Homes at 866-793-8127 and tell the representative you are interested in property 53389768. Homes sold by Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance Inc...
WV, WEST HAMLIN - Land for sale.
3.89 acre
WV, WEST HAMLIN 25571 - VMF Homes has 3.89 acres of land for sale. For more information call VMF Homes at 866-793-8127 and tell the representative you are interested in property 811047039. Homes sold by Vanderbilt Mortgage and ...
WV, FORT GAY - Land for sale.
3.31 acre
WV, FORT GAY 25514 - VMF Homes has 3.31 acres of land for sale. For more information call VMF Homes at 866-793-8127 and tell the representative you are interested in property 97144726. Homes sold by Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance Inc., repre...
WV, ARTIE - Land for sale.
1.01 acre
WV, ARTIE 25008 - VMF Homes has 1.01 acres of land for sale. For more information call VMF Homes at 866-793-8127 and tell the representative you are interested in property 84849929. Homes s...
WV, NITRO - Land for sale.
1.07 acre
WV, NITRO 25143 - VMF Homes has 1.07 acres of land for sale. For more information call VMF Homes at 866-793-8127 and tell the representative you are interested in property 69981036. Homes sold by Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance Inc., repre...
WV, HILLSBORO - Land for sale.
0.41 acre
WV, HILLSBORO 24946 - VMF Homes has 0.41 acres of land for sale. For more information call VMF Homes at 866-793-8127 and tell the representative you are interested in property 68290582. Homes sold by Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance Inc., r...
WV, LEON - Land for sale.
0.68 acre
WV, LEON 25123 - VMF Homes has 0.68 acres of land for sale. For more information call VMF Homes at 866-793-8127 and tell the representative you are interested in property 710617900. Homes sold by Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance Inc., rep...
WV, LEON - Land for sale.
2.18 acre
WV, LEON 25123 - VMF Homes has 2.18 acres of land for sale. For more information call VMF Homes at 866-793-8127 and tell the representative you are interested in property 610387390. Homes sold by Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance Inc., repre...
Elkview Land

1.00 acre